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Client (ABC, Generic)

Source code in cloudpathlib/
class Client(abc.ABC, Generic[BoundedCloudPath]):
    _cloud_meta: CloudImplementation
    _default_client = None

    def __init__(
        local_cache_dir: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
        content_type_method: Optional[Callable] = mimetypes.guess_type,
        # setup caching and local versions of file and track if it is a tmp dir
        self._cache_tmp_dir = None
        if local_cache_dir is None:
            self._cache_tmp_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
            local_cache_dir =

        self._local_cache_dir = Path(local_cache_dir)
        self.content_type_method = content_type_method

    def __del__(self) -> None:
        # make sure temp is cleaned up if we created it
        if self._cache_tmp_dir is not None:

    def get_default_client(cls) -> "Client":
        """Get the default client, which the one that is used when instantiating a cloud path
        instance for this cloud without a client specified.
        if cls._default_client is None:
            cls._default_client = cls()
        return cls._default_client

    def set_as_default_client(self) -> None:
        """Set this client instance as the default one used when instantiating cloud path
        instances for this cloud without a client specified."""
        self.__class__._default_client = self

    def CloudPath(self, cloud_path: Union[str, BoundedCloudPath]) -> BoundedCloudPath:
        return self._cloud_meta.path_class(cloud_path=cloud_path, client=self)

    def _download_file(
        self, cloud_path: BoundedCloudPath, local_path: Union[str, os.PathLike]
    ) -> Path:

    def _exists(self, cloud_path: BoundedCloudPath) -> bool:

    def _list_dir(
        self, cloud_path: BoundedCloudPath, recursive: bool
    ) -> Iterable[Tuple[BoundedCloudPath, bool]]:
        """List all the files and folders in a directory.

        cloud_path : CloudPath
            The folder to start from.
        recursive : bool
            Whether or not to list recursively.

        contents : Iterable[Tuple]
            Of the form [(CloudPath, is_dir), ...] for every child of the dir.

    def _move_file(
        self, src: BoundedCloudPath, dst: BoundedCloudPath, remove_src: bool = True
    ) -> BoundedCloudPath:

    def _remove(self, path: BoundedCloudPath) -> None:
        """Remove a file or folder from the server.

        path : CloudPath
            The file or folder to remove.

    def _upload_file(
        self, local_path: Union[str, os.PathLike], cloud_path: BoundedCloudPath
    ) -> BoundedCloudPath:


CloudPath(self, cloud_path: Union[str, ~BoundedCloudPath]) -> ~BoundedCloudPath
Source code in cloudpathlib/
def CloudPath(self, cloud_path: Union[str, BoundedCloudPath]) -> BoundedCloudPath:
    return self._cloud_meta.path_class(cloud_path=cloud_path, client=self)
__init__(self, local_cache_dir: Union[str, os.PathLike] = None, content_type_method: Optional[Callable] = <function guess_type at 0x7f8a38293ee0>) special
Source code in cloudpathlib/
def __init__(
    local_cache_dir: Optional[Union[str, os.PathLike]] = None,
    content_type_method: Optional[Callable] = mimetypes.guess_type,
    # setup caching and local versions of file and track if it is a tmp dir
    self._cache_tmp_dir = None
    if local_cache_dir is None:
        self._cache_tmp_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
        local_cache_dir =

    self._local_cache_dir = Path(local_cache_dir)
    self.content_type_method = content_type_method
get_default_client() -> Client classmethod

Get the default client, which the one that is used when instantiating a cloud path instance for this cloud without a client specified.

Source code in cloudpathlib/
def get_default_client(cls) -> "Client":
    """Get the default client, which the one that is used when instantiating a cloud path
    instance for this cloud without a client specified.
    if cls._default_client is None:
        cls._default_client = cls()
    return cls._default_client
set_as_default_client(self) -> None

Set this client instance as the default one used when instantiating cloud path instances for this cloud without a client specified.

Source code in cloudpathlib/
def set_as_default_client(self) -> None:
    """Set this client instance as the default one used when instantiating cloud path
    instances for this cloud without a client specified."""
    self.__class__._default_client = self

register_client_class(key: str) -> Callable

Source code in cloudpathlib/
def register_client_class(key: str) -> Callable:
    def decorator(cls: type) -> type:
        if not issubclass(cls, Client):
            raise TypeError("Only subclasses of Client can be registered.")
        implementation_registry[key]._client_class = cls
        implementation_registry[key].name = key
        cls._cloud_meta = implementation_registry[key]
        return cls

    return decorator